How Google writes clean, maintainable code
Google's SWE Book explains their readability process and style guides
Engineer’s Codex is a newsletter that covers lessons from real-world software engineering.
In my article about the simple habits of great engineers, I mentioned that great engineers use consistent standards.
With billions of lines of code in its codebase, Google follows a process called Readability, which they describe as the “Google-wide mentorship process for disseminating programming language best practices.”1
Each pull request is reviewed for proper code style and best practices by a code readability approver. (Note: Google actually calls pull requests changelists)
Readability is described in Software Engineering at Google, along with various essays and comments online. All sources are linked throughout the article.
In this article, I’ll go through:
Pros and cons of Google’s readability process
Opinions from experienced users of Google’s readability process
Is readability necessary?
Why code quality doesn’t equal better business outcomes
What is “readability” exactly?
Readable code is defined as code that follows a language’s best practices and style guide. Google has generously published their style guides publicly for many languages, such as C++, TypeScript, Java, and Python.
To submit code into Google’s codebase, you need to get at least one review and approval from someone who:
Owns the code
Has “readability” of the languages used in the changelist
Is not you
Engineers who have “readability” in a certain language can sign off on changelists that contain code in that language.
A Hacker News commenter described an example:
For example, if you are an owner and have readability, you just need someone who isn't you to sign off on it.
If you don't have ownership or readability you need to get someone who has those things to sign off.
If you can find someone who has both, great. Otherwise, you'll need two people. (Source)
To earn readability, engineers must send in changelists of a language to “readability reviewers” of that language until those reviewers feel that you have adequate knowledge of “readability.” (Source)
Usually, readability reviewers are experts in a language, knowing the ins and outs of it deeply.
Google says that about 20% of their engineers are participating in the readability process and only about 1-2% of their engineers are readability reviewers.
It’s considered a benefit to have readability in your primary team’s language. It means you can approve your team’s code from an actual implementation perspective, ownership perspective, and readability perspective all at once.
Example: Basic TypeScript style guide rules
for classes, interfaces, types, enums, and decoratorslowerCamelCase
for variables, parameters, functions, methods, propertiesCONSTANT_CASE
for global constant valuesdescriptiveNames
, not justx = 10
Benefits of Google’s readability process
Keeps the codebase readable, searchable, and predictable.
You can search for a certain code snippet to see how its used by other teams, in case you need an example to work off of.
Large scale changes across the entire codebase can be made more confidently.
Engineers can change teams without worrying about adhering to a different coding style.
Increases knowledge sharing.
It’s really hard to learn just through reading. Application trumps all when it comes to learning.
Various language features that may not be known to the writer of the code are often taught in the comments section of a pull request. Then, you never forget that feature or lesson again, because there is a very clear example in your head that has ingrained it in your head.
This also enforces proper code sharing. If a certain function is already available in a shared package, then that should be used instead of a custom one being written. In codebases of Google’s size, those “certain functions” may not be known of by everyone.
Enforces best practices.
This increases codebase scalability and develops better engineers
For engineers, this forcing function makes best practices and style while coding a habit.
Gets engineers used to reading code.
Reading code is harder than writing it!
Teaches you the ins and outs of a language.
Readability is a forcing mechanism for really getting to know a language deeply and how it works.
For example, if you haven’t written C++ in a while, it can be easy to get something like memory management wrong. You can expect with 100% certainty your code reviewer will teach you if you don’t teach yourself.
Sustains a culture of mentorship.
Drawbacks of Google’s readability process
Slows down velocity
This is seemingly the most common complaint of the readability process.
If your team happens to write C++ but nobody on the team has C++ readability, then the team constantly has to find C++ readability approvers from outside the team. This can slow down teams considerably, though it seems like this doesn’t usually happen.
Some teams associated with Google don’t follow such the readability process, such as Chrome, ChromeOS, and Android.
In 2020, an ex-Googler noted that the Readability process seems to apply best to web services within Google:
During my time there, the Android team was recruiting internally, advertising "come work on Android, we don't require Readability." It was seen as an internal competitive advantage to reject these processes!
I speculate that Android and Chrome and others have distinct processes for a good reason, and that the book is unknowingly slanted towards web-service style engineering. (Source)
Subject to human bias.
He submitted a small change for readability review and the reviewer forced him to change the entire file, which was not written by him. This slowed down his readability progress and velocity.
Hard to scale since its completely human based.
Funnily enough, this is one of the processes Google does that is not built in a scalable way.
What do (ex-)Googlers think about readability?
Positive Feedback
Many ex-Googlers and current Googlers enjoy the readability process. The benefits outweigh the extra time cost, as it makes code easier to understand and maintain.
An interesting point I heard was that readability standards and the style guide make it easy to do code review without sounding hostile. Pointing out small nitpicks while referring to readability allows reviewers to enforce coding practices in a non-personal way.
Negative Feedback
Other ex-Googlers believe the readability process is too heavyweight and a hindrance.
Ex-Googler Brian Kihoon Lee doesn’t recommend readability process anywhere else.
Instead, he recommends a “readability lite” and prefers the style of teams at Amazon and Apple, where each team has different processes and styles. This allows them to move faster as a team.
Is the process necessary?
Google themselves acknowledge the “nontrivial costs of readability.”
However, Google has a strong engineering-led culture and they find the long-term benefits outweigh any short-term velocity gains.
As all software engineering goes, Google is making a tradeoff here between velocity and code quality.
Code quality != business outcomes
Code quality doesn’t seem to affect business outcomes all that much.
Facebook (now Meta) has had “code quality problems” for almost a decade now, and it hasn’t really affected them all that much. Any pitfalls they’ve run into have been more of a result of business competition or decisions made by leadership.
Oracle’s database has a horrendous 25 million lines of nasty code that is a headache to deal with.
Amazon, Apple, and most tech companies have differing code quality across teams.
All these companies have tooling, style guides, mentorship, and other practices that help them maintain a standard of code quality, allowing them to move fast without delving into “terrible code” territory.
They also have systems in place to keep their services from melting down, in which reliability excellence can negate poorer code quality in some places.
Code quality is subjective
The need for code quality depends on the individual and the team.
There are anecdotes from all sides of people liking or disliking various processes.
People have loved Google’s readability process, while others hated how slow it made everything.
Engineers who left Facebook complained about the shoddy code quality and lack of automated testing, while others loved how fast they could commit code.
Some people and teams are fine with giving up code quality for higher velocity.
There’s a balance to be found and it’s very dependent on team and org culture.
I once added something to a file originally created by Jeff Dean's and it was the most beautiful code I've ever read.
As an ex-Googler, I'm a fan of readability because it makes everything so much easier and faster to understand and modify. I missed it after switching companies.
Also, readability becomes increasingly important after the original authors / owners of the code leave the company.
With respect to the fact that it's slower, I think after a while you just get used to thinking about building the code in a readable way, so all in all it's not that much slower. Also it saves a ton of time spent if you need to troubleshoot an issue if you're on-call for example.
Interesting setup. I wonder if that would generate bottlenecks with fewer readability reviewers.
"Facebook (now Meta) has had “code quality problems” for almost a decade now," -- I would not sugar coat it if we compare to other mature companies but since last few years this has improved a lot.
The company grew first chasing business outcome and then started working on "quality" so it is natural for code/test/etc quality to be a bit lagging.